Marrowfang's Reins Boost

Buy Marrowfang's Reins to add this flying mount from the famous Shadowlands dungeon to your collection. The drop rate for this item is relatively low (around 1%), but Mythic+ mode allows you to run the Necrotic Wake dungeon repeatedly to boost your chances of obtaining it. While this can be a time-consuming process, you can request as many dungeon runs as you need until the mount drops with our Marrowfang's Reins boost.
Marrowfang's Reins carry includes:
- The chosen number of the Necrotic Wake dungeon runs in Mythic+ mode;
- Chance to get Marrowfang's Reins mount;
- Numerous valuable resources, items, cosmetic stuff, and gold obtained by your character during Marrowfang's Reins boosting.
- The War Within account with active subscription;
- Level 80 character.
- Choose all the required options and place an order;
- Our manager text you to clarify all the details and determine the order execution start time;
- At the appointed time, you will be invited into a party with our player;
- Our player will complete the all required parts of the order during one session. If you want, you can divide order into several sessions;
- Our manager will let you know when your order will be completed and share with you the required information and screenshots;
- Please, don't forget to give us feedback. We are always trying hard to let you enjoy the game fully.
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Marrowfang's Reins boost overview
Marrowfang's Reins is a rare flying mount that you can acquire by completing the Necrotic Wake dungeon from the Shadowlands expansion in Mythic or Mythic+ mode. With a drop rate of under 1%, obtaining Marrowfang's Reins can be quite difficult. However, by ordering the Necrotic Wake Mount boost from Tryhard, you can decide how many dungeon runs you’d like our players to complete for you and simply wait for your reward. Luckily, with the Mythic+ mode available during TWW Season One, our players can run the dungeon repeatedly during Marrowfang's Reins boosting, so if luck is on your side, you might get the mount quickly.
How to get Marrowfang's Reins
Marrowfang's Reins is the rarest reward you can earn by completing the Necrotic Wake dungeon from the Shadowlands expansion, which is part of The War Within Season One Mythic+ pool. All you have to do is defeat the last boss, Nalthor the Rimebinder, and hope for the best. However, since the Necrotic Wake is included in The War Within Season One Mythic+ dungeons, you can order a Marrowfang's Reins boost to have our players repeatedly complete dungeon runs until you obtain your coveted reward.
WoW Shadowlands dungeon mounts
Mounts are relatively rare rewards in dungeon loot, with most expansions offering only one or two dungeons that provide this option. However, World of Warcraft Shadowlands introduced three dungeon mounts, with one available during The War Within Season One:
- Marrowfang's Reins (The Necrotic Wake dungeon, last boss Nalthor the Rimebinder; available in Mythic+ mode during The War Within Season One)
- Slime Serpent (Plaguefall hidden mount)
- Cartel Master's Gearglider (Tazavesh, the Veiled Market dungeon, last boss So'leah)