Siege of Boralus boost

Buy Siege of Boralus to complete a Mythic+ dungeon run and take down all the bosses. Siege of Boralus is a BfA dungeon, which makes its return for TWW Season 1 Mythic+ rotation. Players will have to encounter familiar foes, empowered by new abilities. With our Siege of Boralus boost, you can complete the dungeon without breaking a sweat, with a chance to loot some decent gear.
Siege of Boralus carry includes:
- Siege of Boralus dungeon completed on Mythic+ difficulty;
- Chance to get 597+ ilvl gear;
- All the gold and loot obtained during the dungeon run;
- Great Vault rewards depending on the difficulty;
- Chance to unlock dungeon-related achievements.
- Level 80 character on your The War Within account.
- Choose all the required options and place an order;
- Our manager text you to clarify all the details and determine the order execution start time;
- You will get an invitation to the game from our team in pre-approved time;
- Our players will summon your character to the dungeon to start the dungeon run;
- In most cases, one dungeon run takes about 20–30 minutes;
- You can participate in dungeon encounters, but our team can complete the Season 1 keys even four of us;
- If you order run with loot traders, do not rush to leave the party after the last boss to not miss additional rewards;
- Our manager will let you know when your order will be completed and share with you the required information and screenshots;
- Please, don't forget to give us feedback. We are always trying hard to let you enjoy the game fully.
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WoW Siege of Boralus boost overview
Siege of Boralus is a dungeon initially introduced in Battle for Azeroth expansion, which is located in Kul Tiras. With the release of The War Within, Siege of Boralus dungeon will be a part of Season 1 Mythic+ rotation, with the familiar encounters will come with new mechanics and modificators. Get yourself a swift and smooth dungeon completion and a chance to loot decent gear with our WoW Siege of Boralus runs for sale.
Siege of Boralus bosses
There’re 5 bosses in Siege of Boralus dungeon:
- Chopper Redhook
- Sergeant Bainbridge
- Dread Captain Lockwood
- Hadal Darkfathom
- Viq'Goth
Take down these mighty foes and earn some valuable loot with our WoW Siege of Boralus carry.
Siege of Boralus loot table
Item | Slot | Type |
Hands | Cloth Armor | |
Waist | Cloth Armor | |
Legs | Cloth Armor | |
Feet | Cloth Armor | |
Feet | Cloth Armor | |
Waist | Leather Armor | |
Feet | Leather Armor | |
Legs | Leather Armor | |
Hands | Leather Armor | |
Legs | Mail Armor | |
Wrist | Mail Armor | |
Feet | Mail Armor | |
Waist | Mail Armor | |
Legs | Plate Armor | |
Legs | Plate Armor | |
Feet | Plate Armor | |
Hands | Plate Armor | |
Waist | Plate Armor | |
Finger | Ring | |
Trinket | Trinket | |
Trinket | Trinket | |
Two-Hand | Polearm | |
One-Hand | One-Handed Mace | |
One-Hand | One-Handed Sword | |
Two-Hand | Two-Handed Mace | |
Waist | Cloth Armor | |
Hands | Leather Armor | |
Legs | Mail Armor | |
Two-Hand | Polearm | |
One-Hand | One-Handed Mace | |
Finger | Ring | |
Finger | Ring |