Zovaal's Soul Eater Boost
![Zovaal's Soul Eater Boost](https://tryhard.gg/images/034c54e4f62b8f2ed70dd91b27cf40bd.webp)
Buy Zovaal's Soul Eater to add the version of the Shadowlands Gladiator's mount to your collection. By ordering the Zovaal's Soul Eater boost from the Tryhard team, you can easily obtain this unique mount and 10 additional cosmetic rewards without spending countless hours completing the numerous Shadowlands open-world events, raids, and dungeons.
Zovaal's Soul Eater carry includes:
- Zovaal's Soul Eater guaranteed mount;
- Back from the Beyond meta-achievement completed;
- Additional 6 mounts, 2 pets, and 2 titles, depending on your achievement progress;
- All the loot and gold obtained during the Zovaal's Soul Eater boosting.
You can check the full list of rewards in the list below.
- Active WoW subscription;
- 80-level character.
- Select the preferred options and place an order for our Zovaal's Soul Eater boost;
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- After discussing all the nuances, we will set a time that is perfect for you;
- At the appointed time, you will join our group;
- Enjoy the results and don't forget to rate us on Trustpilot!
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Zovaals Soul Eater Boost Overview
Zovaal's Soul Eater is a reward you can get after completing the Shadowlands content meta-achievement Back from the Beyond added in Dragonflight expansion. During Zovaal's Shadebeast Collar boost, we'll complete for you all Shadowlands raids, dungeons, and open-world activities starting from quests and ending with Renown leveling. For most players, this task can take the months of daily grind, but with our Zovaals Shadebeast Collar boost you can get Shadowlands Gladiator reward related mount much faster.
How To Get Zovaal's Soul Eater Mount
To obtain Zovaal's Soul Eater, you must complete 16 achievements from the Shadowlands expansion, many of which involve challenging tasks. This outstanding mount, which resembles the Gladiator title rewards from the Shadowlands expansion, requires you to complete nearly all the content the expansion has to offer, from the campaign to raid completions. However, you can always order the Zovaal's Soul Eater boosting to skip the hardest parts and obtain the Zovaal's Shadebeast Collar, which will unlock the coveted mount for you.
Zovaal's Soul Eater Boosting Rewards
The Back from the Beyond meta-achievement consists of 16 achievements and even other meta-achievements, meaning that completing it rewards you not only with Zovaal's Soul Eater, but also with some extra cosmetic rewards. By ordering the Zovaal's Soul Eater carry, you'll receive 6 mounts, 2 battle pets, and 2 titles. Let's take a look at the full list of Zovaal's Soul Eater boost rewards:
- Cryptic Aurelid mount (From A to Zereth achievement)
- Sturdy Gilded Mawrat Harness mount (Flawless Master: Layer 16 achievement)
- Corridor Creeper mount (Twisting Corridors: Layer 8 achievement)
- Sturdy Soulsteel Mawrat Harness mount (The Jailer's Gauntlet: Layer 4 achievement)
- Tazavesh Gearglider mount (Fake It 'Til You Make It achievement)
- Armored Chosen Tauralus mount (Things To Do When You're Dead achievement)
- Mord'al Eveningstar battle pet (Many, Many Things achievement)
- Sly battle pet (A Sly Fox achievement)
- Tower Ranger title (Tower Ranger achievement)
- Maw Walker title (Walking in Maw-mphis achievement)
Zovaal's Soul Eater Required Achievements List
Back from the Beyond meta-achievement consists of 16 different achievements, which require players to walk through almost all possible Shadowlands content. It includes questing, campaign completion, Renown leveling, dungeon and raid runs. Down below, you will find the list of every achievement needed to acquire Zovaal's Soul Eater:
- Castle Nathria
- Dead Men Tell Some Tales
- Fake It 'Til You Make It
- From A to Zereth
- Many, Many Things
- Myths of the Shadowlands Dungeons
- On the Offensive
- Re-Re-Re-Renowned
- Sanctum of Domination
- Sanctum Superior
- Secrets of the First Ones
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Shadowlands Dilettante
- Tower Ranger
- Walking in Maw-mphis
- Chains of Domination
Complete any of these achievements, or all at once, and acquire marvelous mount with our Zovaals Soul Eater boosting service.
WoW Shadowlands Achievements Mount List
The Wrath of the Lich King expansion introduced the achievement system to the game. Some of the expansion's achievements not only grant achievement points but also offer valuable cosmetic rewards, such as mounts. Below, you can find a list of all the WoW Shadowlands achievement mount rewards:
- Zovaal's Shadebeast Collar (Back from the Beyond achievement)
- Tazavesh Gearglider (Fake It 'Til You Make It achievement)
- Cryptic Aurelid (From A to Zereth achievement)
- Voracious Gorger (Glory of the Shadowlands Hero achievement)
- Rampart Screecher (Glory of the Nathria Raider achievement)
- Bracer of Hrestimorak (Glory of the Dominant Raider achievement)
- Shimmering Aurelid (Glory of the Sepulcher Raider achievement)
- Bracelet of Salaranga (Breaking the Chains achievement)